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Risk Measurement and Assessment (FRM Part 2 2023 – Book 3 – Operational Risk and Resilience – Ch 4)

Risk Measurement and Assessment (FRM Part 2 2023 – Book 3 – Operational Risk and Resilience – Ch 4)

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Risk Measurement and Assessment (FRM Part 2 2023 – Book 3 – Operational Risk and Resilience – Ch 4)

Risk Measurement and Assessment (FRM Part 2 2023 – Book 3 – Operational Risk and Resilience – Ch 4)

For FRM (Part I & Part II) video lessons, study notes, question banks, mock exams, and formula sheets covering all chapters of the FRM syllabus, click on the following link: *AnalystPrep is a GARP-Approved Exam Preparation Provider for FRM Exams* After completing this reading you should be able to: - Explain best practices for the collection of operational loss data and reporting of operational loss incidents, including regulatory expectations. - Explain operational risk-assessment processes and tools, including risk control self-assessments (RCSAs), likelihood assessment scales, and heatmaps. - Describe the differences among key risk indicators (KRIs), key performance indicators (KPIs), and key control Indicators (KCIs). - Describe and distinguish between the different Quantitative approaches and models used to analyze operational risk. - Estimate operational risk exposures based on the fault tree model given probability assumptions. - Describe approaches used to determine the level of operational risk capital for economic capital purposes, including their application and limitations. - Describe and explain the steps to ensure a strong level of operational resilience, and to test the operational resilience of important business services. 0:00 Introduction 1:11 What is Operational Loss Data (OLD)? 8:33 Regulatory Requirements Regarding Operational Risk Data Collection 19:50 Risk Control Self-Assessments 22:01 Severity Assessment 24:17 Likelihood Assessment 25:29 The Heatmap 27:13 Key Risk Indicators 34:14 Modeling Operational Risk 47:28 Estimating Operational Risk Capital 53:10 Ensuring Operational Resilience
Risk Management for Projects | AdelaideX on edX

Risk Management for Projects | AdelaideX on edX

Learn how to manage risk in your organization by using the best processes and procedures. Risk management is a process used for the identification, assessment and analysis of potential risks to an organization or project. This process enables you to develop the most appropriate risk response. In the Risk Management for Projects course, you will learn the fundamentals of risk management, as well as how to apply a risk management process in a project-based setting. Risk management is an iterative process and you will learn how adopting key procedures can help you maximize opportunities and minimize negative impact on your project objectives. In this course, you will further upskill through the application of the risk management canvas, which is a framework that enables you to manage risk within your own environment. It will immerse you in the concepts of risk management and help you to apply the key processes. Practical activities through the course will allow you to apply the knowledge you learn as each week focuses on a key stage of the risk management process. The theories and practices taught in the course can easily be applied to any project, organization or business environment. Risk Management for Projects is brought to you by the same team that developed the highly successful Introduction to Project Management MOOC, and builds on risk management for projects introduced in that course. Participating in this course will ensure that you gain the know-how to reduce your project and organizational risk in the future. What you'll learn How the risk management process works as part of a compliance framework Use of frameworks to identify, assess and analyse risks in a business context Application of appropriate risk responses Design and integration strategies for reporting and communicating risks to various stakeholders Use of a monitor and review process, and application of risk management as an iterative process
Construction Risk Management - What is it?

Construction Risk Management - What is it?

Free Online Construction Management Courses: Construction Procurement Management: Introduction to Construction Management: Accelerate your career by learning the tools and techniques used by tier 1 contractors to successfully deliver major projects! Our engaging online construction management courses have been developed in conjunction with the best minds in the industry to teach you what you need to know to succeed in your job. Check out the link to our courses below: Introduction to Construction Management (Free): Construction Project Scheduling: Construction Quality and Completions: Construction Contract Management: Construction Cost Estimating and Management: Construction Procurement Management: Engineering and Construction Design Management: Construction Risk Management:
Risk Management for Infrastructure Graham Nicol
IRM's Infrastructure SIG   Infrastructure risk webinar
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